In celebration of Deepavali, also known as Festival of Lights, staff of Crowne Plaza Mutiara Kuala Lumpur created a kolam decorated with traditional Indian oil lamps at its hotel lobby to welcome guests.
Some 10 hotel staff together with hotel guests completed the motif made of colored rice grains in about 7 hours.
The Kolam was designed to create the Deepavali ambience, and the 8-foot 3D display was a real eye-catcher which adds on to the festive mood.
The Kolam was designed to create the Deepavali ambience, and the 8-foot 3D display was a real eye-catcher which adds on to the festive mood.
Hotel guests joining in the fun. Fariborz Solhjo from Iran, together with 5 years old daughter, Pendar and hotel staff, Saw In. |
The creators (standing from left): Mathi, Pathma, Veni, Kannamah, Khor Saw Inn and Shandran (below from left: Kanna & Shidi) |